Rom-Coms aren't usually my thing (I like my books dark and dirty), but there was something about this blurb that drew me. Maybe it was the mention of the talent show (I love America's Got Talent), maybe it was the redemption plot (who doesn't root for the underdog), or maybe it was the mention of pissing on a fire hydrant.
Blurb: It doesn’t take much to become the laughing stock of reality television. Just ask Theodore “Theo-Dog” Legend. Once you’ve pissed on a fire hydrant in front of the paparazzi, no one ever lets you forget it.
Hadley Holiday is on her way to being America’s sweetheart, thanks to her dog training routine on a national talent show. Although she didn’t win first prize, she snagged Theo’s attention and he’ll do just about anything to make her his—even if it means being the butt of everyone’s joke once again.
Hadley wants a career in showbiz. Theo needs to get rid of that doggone nickname—pun intended. Pairing the two together on a new show sounds like a disaster waiting to happen... or it could be the best thing that’s ever happened to them.
Review: True to it's word Untrainable is a romantic comedy. I typically don't read romantic comedies because I feel that, more often than not, they tip into silly. And I don't particularly want my romance novels to be silly. Thankfully, that was not the case with Untrainable by Jamie Schlosser. It was funny, amusing, and at times, hilarious, all without tipping into eye-rollingly silly.
Fans of reality television will absolutely adore this story of redemption for Theo-Dog Legend. Viewers think they know the real him, as reality TV watchers always do, but they don't see the darkness behind the veil of the camera. Theo is kind, introspective, and obsessed with Hadley Holiday.
Hadley was a delightful heroine. She was quirky and spunky and just a positive person, a nice change from my typical heroines who are morose and being held captive somewhere (cough cough). She seemed like your all-American girl which made reading perfectly light and happy.
I really enjoyed that most of the drama came from external sources for this couple rather than internal discord. Theo and Hadley were incredibly cute together, but there was still that bite of heat in their intimacy that kept the book from being too cutesy. The social media/reality television spin was great and definitely something I've never read before in a romance novel.
I think that anyone looking for a light, humorous read to break up their more intense reading would be pleased as punch with Untrainable. Dog lovers certainly won't be disappointed, that's for sure. Dog-related puns abound!
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